
Monday, November 30, 2009

when not heal, what would u do?

okay, might not so good. i have no tips as well. however, what would you do when u are not yet heal from a thing or 2 of a problem that you are having?*eh betul ke ayat ni? haha* as for me, basically, i will be a bit moody. haha. tp kalo borak2 with me, its okay. just talk to me about anything, but not about the specific problem i'm having. though sometimes u will notice that i went out often if i'm in a problem. haha. yup2. eat more, go out more. hahaha.

anyway, can anyone suggest me what book to read? i'm kinda bored this holiday. hehe. :)


natra md.nor said...

if not heal, wt bodo je qi! sooner o later u'll get over it.. trust me.. life's full of shit, remember? :)

Unknown said...

sidney sheldon.definitely satisfying and keeps urself off everything else! or books written entitled suzanne's diary for nicholas

mynameisqiqi said...

nat>> tau xpe~! life is full of shit~! bloody monkey betul!.:)

clive>> thx~! nak pergi cari jap those books~~ weeeeeeeeeeeeee~! ada buku baru nak baca then. XD