exam belum habis lg.
tp kami pergi menonton movie sebentar hari ni. sekejap je.
tgk movie + mkn + amik gmbr yg sgt banyak. haha..
actually kind of like teruja tgk movie kat the Gardens.
so we went and watched "the box" at the Gardens.
to tell u the truth, it is so BORING!
seyesly boring..
yg best pun sbb James Marsden handsome~~
"The Time Traveller's Wife" movie is even better~!
yeah, the movie that starred by Eric Bana & Rachael McAdam.
it's a sweet movie though.
it's a sweet movie though.
anyway, our intention is to watch 2012, but change to 'the box' tu.
tension dowh cerita tu. huhu.
anyway, enjoy the pictures we had been taking maniacly~
meronggeng x ajak i r kan! ni nk merajuk ni... T___T
hahaha. wei yg ni mmg x expect nye. mlm tu kul 11 cam tu baru je tau. :P sorry nat~!!
hahaha. wei yg ni mmg x expect nye. mlm tu kul 11 cam tu baru je tau. :P sorry nat~!!
ek eleh...xyah majuk...orang keje mane leh ikot hidup students...hahahahaha
hahaha. agreed~!! me wit clive. org keje x leh ikut. hehe *just joking*
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