SAD [DONE] presentation + submission
ISM [DONE, but] not yet presentation + submission
Theory [half DONE] dh presentation + not yet submission.
SECURITY [no changes] both not done. haha..
but pretty much done, and less burden sebab assignments dh hampir habis. lega dowh~! kalo x, rasa sgt x best. very the stress! this sem is quite gila.. i'm not into the sem this time around cos my schedule are pretty much not nice one.. basically, to me, this semester was quite a teruk for me to adjust. or most tepat answer is that i didn't manage my time well this time around. OVER PLAYED! haha. that's me~! sem ni banyak main! seyesly yes.. walaupun have to be equal, but i can't help but play and play and more play. because my life is full of play-ness. hehe. why would u miss all those fun in ur 'muda-mudi' life? hahaha. but do not, miss out ar ur academic life~ itu lebih penting. haha *LOL* best2 to play & have fun~ :D

anyway, i just read a blog of a friend of mine, AZRIE~! she awarded me one of those awesome blog she read/like. aha.. something i could talk about here aite. actually i was the one who R.E.A.L.L.Y L.O.V.E. her blog! quite interesting, cos i was the one who always keep track of what she wrote in her blog. in her blog there is something i like the most to read, a blog that always make u wanna come back n read it again. haha. seyesly~! do go over n tag or link her. quite interesting. ada sedikit jenaka n lawak. always make me laugh reading it, but when there is moments when she luahan her perasaan, i did felt the same way as she does. i wonder if azrie even notice that what she felt is what i felt when i was her during my youngest moment. haha. i'm not that old, duhhh~ haha.. but when i was her age. :D *LOL* terlebih sudah.. terlalu banyak puji. haha. anyway, here the award! :D
1. The winner can put the logo on his/her awesome blog
2. Link the person you received your award from.
## azrie yg cute ## blog url:
3. Nominate max 7 other blog
azrie cute~
husna cunnn!
dzul fahmie
** saya jarang baca blog org lain. so ada limited blog like them that i read. no other people. will read their blogs when they promote it or when i like the blog =)**
Leave a message on the blogs of those you’ve nominated!
erm, xpe la. mekaseh. haha. xde masa la sekarang. just ada masa nak upload entry je.
hahaha. alasan.. sengal lg sekali. :P
anyway, arinie jugak kelas habis kul 9mlm. but, as usual kelas habis 9++. penat sgt. sebab yesterday i slept at 5am. pastu bangun solat, pastu tido balik, then wake up again at 9am in the morning becoz dh janji ngan dila kamila tu buy tiket to jb as well as cucuk duit. sebab xde duit nak byr tiket bas yg MAHAL nak mati tu. nanti nak tanya waaz, berapa ringgit duit balik johor sebenarnye. haha. nampak sgt jakun x pernah naik bas express! tp mmg x pernah. sekali je pernah,tp makcik ku tersyg yg belikan. hehe. tp dila sakit perut. so gi sorg2, tp jumpa mar, dpn kolej n gi skali. Mar nak cucuk duit jugak. so pergi sama2. at last, dpt jugak beli tiket bas yg diidami! kuikuikui. xpernah naik bas & beli tuket bas. so cam SANGAT excited! haha. every second gi check tiket bas tu. haha. nasib xde org nampak aqela sedang merenung tiket bas tu dengan penuh kagum sebab beli sendiri. dah la mahal. isk3, kalo hilang atau x jadi balik, mahu aku menangis jugak. hehe.. masih excited ni.. :D nanti tido, tgk lagi tiket tu. hehe. cepat cepat sabtu dtg! :)
oh, yeah. ada ceramah agama kat dewan makan. tp aqela x pergi. penat la lepas kelas yg lewat habis nie. gi mkn jap ngan natrah. pastu terserempak husna + nadhrah. tp semasa lalu dewan mkn, nampak jejaka idaman yg telah melukakan hati ku khusyuk mendengar ceramah agama tersebut. tetapi apa yg perlu ku kisah.. nak bagi ayat ni ar lain kali 'ada aku kesah?' kat dier. but kena ada reaksi muka yg cunnn.. antonasi suara jua perlu ada. kena wat suara yg bengang + hati terluka. oooh, now i felt the mood for DAVID ARCHULETA song which is, A LITTLE TOO NOT OVER YOU. hehe. ooh something like 'tanpamu hidup ku x mengerti.' ayat dr lagu TANPA.
aaargh, aqela menjadi jiwang! haha. pls lempang qiqi again & again! but not with kompang pls. oops, kwn2 dier jugak ahli kompang. sila lempang TETTTTS untuk akak aqela yg cun sgt ni~ haha until qiqi wake up in a new world. if bangun cam the Matrix nye world, is it kinda cool? best! ada neo yg hensem bersama2. haha. dh imaginasi melencong~ tp apa ku kisah, cinta itu perasaan gue. gue punya perasaan. tp sila jadikan qiqi menjadi seorg yg lebih baik ok? cos this kid is definitely make me terrible not worth myself! idiot guy like u shouldnt have a person as good as me. hahaha. perasan.. lalalalala.
ok adios amigos.. will write soon again~!
love qiqi! :)
1 comment:
mne award lembu tue...
mekaseh bg award lagik semula...
we're still cunn rite?
no hal la..
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