
Wednesday, January 13, 2010


again kecewa~
i dont know what is wrong with me.
there is spark!
but there isn't any.
might have spark, but nothing~!
when will there is anything happen?

Friday, January 8, 2010


finally i went off to tell my mum what happened to my results.
what have i done badly, so and so~
i never thought she will say it's okay!
kind of suprise and terharu~ hehe
but now i have built confidences.
oh well, sooner or later, it will be alright.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

aim? not really. :)

Oh well, who cares 2010 have passed in like 7 days already.
i still can post on what my aim is right? :)
anyway, not much of an aim actually.
bcos, every year is pretty much the same.
yeah, u know, study harder, be a better person, so and so.
haha. erm i might still have the study hader aim still.
but see how. haha.
new aim would probably get new handphone~!
as well as trying to be cute as many times as possible. hahahaha.
perasan giler dowh.
bosan ni! x tau nak buat apa.